5 Simple Steps to get Positive
Change In Your Riding


  • 6 Module Online Training Course
    • Mindset training: Visualisation excercises, opposition thinking, correct goal setting & controlling the horse with core
    • Position training: Exercises to send check your position, self talk exercises, improving self carriage in the horse and pole work
    • Adjust: Exercises building balance and adjustability, grid work to build trust and confidence
    • Impulsion: Exercises to develop impulsion, engagement, grids to improve technique and immersion therapy
    • The Fix: Problem solving for Dressage, flat work and jumping
    • Competition: Strategies for working in, nerves and performance and diet

  • 12 Months Of Weekly Group Zoom Calls With Exclusive Inner Circle: Mastermind With Like-minded Individuals In An Intimate Group

  • Private Transformation Facebook Group: Ongoing Support & Connection Within The Community And A Platform For Continual Feedback

  • On-going Email Support: Get in touch with Kirstin to ask questions throughout the course


  • BONUS: Your Own Personalised Visualization Recording

Copyright 2021 Kirstin Kelly Equestrian
All Rights Reserved.